例句:And this is what you need to consider...
翻译:而你需要考虑的是 And this is what you need to consider --。
例句:And for that reason consider it to be null and void.
翻译:有鉴于此 And for that reason 这段婚姻无效 consider it to be null and void.。
例句:You might consider keeping a journal.
翻译:或许你可以做下记录 You might consider keeping a journal.。
例句:...and know that i consider you all my heroes.
翻译:...and know that I consider you all my heroes.。
1. You might consider keeping a journal.
翻译:或许你可以做下记录 You might consider keeping a journal.。
2. ...and know that i consider you all my heroes.
翻译:...and know that I consider you all my heroes.。
3. i'll consider it a group effort then.
翻译:你们是集体叛国了 I'll consider it a group effort then.。
4. i mean, consider the source:
翻译:Hey, what do I care? I mean, consider the source:。
5. i don't consider you to be a crackpot.
翻译:我没把您当怪人 I don't consider you to be a crackpot.。
6. She'll only consider it a long shot.
翻译:She'll only consider it a long shot.。
7. Let's consider this a minute.
翻译:我们再想想 Let's consider this a minute.。
8. Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?
翻译:那不算疯狂吗? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?。
9. So i'm just gonna be on my way, but consider this your break.
翻译:but consider this your break.。
10. i'd consider it a personal favour.
翻译:我认为这是个人喜好。 I'd consider it a personal favour.。
11. "Little time in all that to consider
翻译:Nobody. 只有很短的时间来考虑 Little time in all that to consider。
12. Time is few, need not consider
翻译:need not consider。
13. You should consider a career on the stage.
翻译:你应该考虑当演员 You should consider a career on the stage.。
14. Consider the times we live in.
翻译:考虑到当前所处的环境 consider the time we live in。
15. Would you consider seeing someone?
翻译:你愿找人谈谈吗 Would you consider seeing someone?。