1. bukhara (noun. 布哈拉,乌兹别克斯坦的一个城市)
- I dream of visiting the historic city of Bukhara one day. (我梦想有一天能够参观布哈拉这座历史古城)
2. buccaneer (noun. 海盗)
- The buccaneer sailed the seas in search of hidden treasures. (海盗在海上航行,搜寻隐藏的宝藏)
1. BUKH (Business Understanding Knowledge and Human Integration)
- BUKH is a business consulting firm specializing in market research and data analysis. (BUKH 是一家专门从事市场研究和数据分析的商业咨询公司)
2. BUK (Buddleja for United Kingdom)
- BUK is an initiative that promotes the conservation of Buddleja plants in the United Kingdom. (BUK 是一个旨在促进英国 Buddleja 植物保护的倡议)
1. bukhara (noun. 布哈拉,乌兹别克斯坦的一个城市)
- I dream of visiting the historic city of Bukhara one day. (我梦想有一天能够参观布哈拉这座历史古城。)
2. buccaneer (noun. 海盗)
- The buccaneer sailed the seas in search of hidden treasures. (海盗在海上航行,搜寻隐藏的宝藏。)
1. BUKH (Business Understanding Knowledge and Human Integration)
- BUKH is a business consulting firm specializing in market research and data analysis. (BUKH 是一家专门从事市场研究和数据分析的商业咨询公司。)
2. BUK (Buddleja for United Kingdom)
- BUK is an initiative that promotes the conservation of Buddleja plants in the United Kingdom. (BUK 是一个旨在促进英国 Buddleja 植物保护的倡议。)
Bukhari Script Regular