intrusive 读音音标 (/ɪnˈtruːsɪv/)
形容词. 爱管闲事的; 侵扰的; 刺耳的
第三人称单数:intrudes 现在式:intrudes 过去式:intruded
1. The intrusive neighbor always makes comments about our personal lives. (那个好管闲事的邻居总是对我们的私生活评头论足。)
2. The loud music from the party was very intrusive and disturbed our sleep. (派对上的高音乐声非常刺耳,扰乱了我们的睡眠。)
3. The interviewer asked a lot of intrusive questions about my personal background. (面试官问了很多关于我的个人背景的无礼问题。)
4. I felt uncomfortable when the salesperson was intrusive and followed me around the store. (当那个售货员过分侵扰,并一直跟在我身后时,我感到很不舒服。)
5. The intrusive camera crew invaded the celebrity's private space. (那个侵入性的摄制组侵犯了名人的私人空间。)
同义词:meddlesome [形容词. 爱管闲事的]; nosy [形容词. 好奇的]
反义词:respectful [形容词. 尊重的]; polite [形容词. 有礼貌的]
- The meddlesome neighbor always interferes in our affairs. (那个好管闲事的邻居总是干预我们的事务。)
- The nosy colleague is always prying into other people's business. (那个好奇的同事总是窥探别人的事情。)
- Please be respectful of other people's privacy. (请尊重别人的隐私。)
- It's polite to ask for permission before entering someone's personal space. (在进入他人个人空间之前征得许可是有礼貌的。)