n. 荣誉,尊敬;光荣;荣耀;(正式)守约,履行义务
第三人称单数 honors, 现在式 honor, 过去式 honored
1. He was awarded the highest honor for his outstanding contributions to the field of science.(他因其在科学领域的杰出贡献而被授予最高荣誉。)
2. She has always conducted herself with honor and integrity.(她一直以光荣和正直的方式行事。)
3. The soldiers fought bravely and with great honor on the battlefield.(士兵们在战场上英勇奋战,光荣无比。)
4. It is our duty to honor the sacrifices made by those who came before us.(我们有责任纪念前人所做出的牺牲。)
5. The school holds an annual ceremony to honor its outstanding students.(学校举行一年一度的仪式,表彰优秀的学生。)
1. respect [n. 尊重;v. 尊敬]
2. dignity [n. 尊严;庄重]
3. glory [n. 光荣;荣誉]
4. reverence [n. 敬重;尊敬]
5. homage [n. 敬意;顶礼]例句:
1. He showed great respect for his elders.(他对长辈表现出极大的尊敬。)
2. She carried herself with dignity and grace.(她庄重而优雅地举止。)
3. The athlete's glory came from years of hard work and dedication.(这名运动员艰苦训练多年才赢得了荣誉。)
4. The students spoke with reverence when addressing their teacher.(学生们在对老师讲话时表现出尊敬之情。)
5. The citizens paid homage to their national heroes.(市民们向他们的国家英雄致敬。)反义词:
1. shame [n. 羞愧;耻辱]
2. dishonor [n. 耻辱,丢脸;v. 使丧失名誉]
3. disrespect [n. 不敬;轻视]
4. humiliation [n. 耻辱;羞辱]
5. disgrace [n. 耻辱;丢脸]例句:
1. He felt a deep sense of shame for his actions.(他为自己的行为感到深深的羞愧。)
2. His dishonesty brought dishonor upon his family.(他的不诚实给他的家人带来了耻辱。)
3. She showed disrespect towards her elders by speaking rudely.(她的粗鲁言行表现出对长辈的不敬。)
4. The manager's humiliation in front of the staff was a blow to his reputation.(经理在员工面前的羞辱对他的声誉是一个打击。)
5. The politician's involvement in scandal brought disgrace upon his political party.(这名政治家卷入丑闻给他的政党带来了耻辱。)honor相关的拓展
最新修订时间:2024-04-21 23:33