existentialist读音音标 (ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəlɪst)
名词. 存在主义者;关注存在意义和个人自由的哲学思想流派
第三人称单数 existentialist
现在式 existentialists
过去式 existentialist
1. Many writers of the time were influenced by the existentialist movement. (许多当时的作家受到存在主义运动的影响。)
2. He wrote an existentialist novel exploring the meaning of life. (他写了一本探索生命意义的存在主义小说。)
3. She is known for her existentialist philosophy and her exploration of human existence. (她以她的存在主义哲学和对人类存在的探索而闻名。)
4. The protagonist in the film is portrayed as an existentialist struggling with the absurdity of life. (电影中的主人公被描绘成一个苦苦思索生命荒谬性的存在主义者。)
5. The artist's paintings often reflect existentialist themes and the search for personal identity. (这位艺术家的绘画常常反映出存在主义的主题和对个人身份的追寻。)
同义词 [名词. 意思]
phenomenologist [名词. 现象学家]
humanist [名词. 人文主义者]
absurdist [名词. 荒诞主义者]
反义词 [名词. 意思]
pessimist [名词. 悲观主义者]
nihilist [名词. 虚无主义者]
conformist [名词.从众者]
The existentialist and the humanist often explore similar questions about the meaning of life. (存在主义者和人文主义者经常探索关于生命意义的相似问题。)
The absurdist playwright challenged traditional beliefs with his work. (荒诞性戏剧家通过自己的作品挑战了传统信念。)
She viewed the world through the lens of a phenomenologist, looking for meaning in everyday experiences. (她以现象学家的视角看待世界,在日常经验中寻找意义。)
最新修订时间:2024-04-21 22:33