词性. 形容词
意思. 老练的,坚韧的,不屈不挠的
第三人称单数 hard-bittens
现在式 hard-bites
过去式 hard-bit
1. She was a hard-bitten journalist who had witnessed numerous wars and conflicts. (她是一位见证过无数战争和冲突的老练记者)
2. Despite facing many setbacks, the hard-bitten entrepreneur never gave up on his dreams. (尽管面临许多挫折,那位坚韧的创业家从未放弃他的梦想)
3. The detective's hard-bitten demeanor gave him an air of authority and experience. (侦探坚韧的风度给了他一种权威和经验的氛围)
4. The hard-bitten soldier displayed unwavering courage on the battlefield. (那位坚韧的士兵在战场上展现出坚定不移的勇气)
5. The hard-bitten detective had a reputation for solving the most difficult cases. (这位老练的侦探以破解最棘手的案件而闻名)
同义词: toughened, experienced, hardened
反义词: soft, tender, naive
1. toughened [形容词. 加强的] - The toughened steel proved to be resistant against extreme temperatures. (加固钢材证明对极端温度具有抗性)
2. experienced [形容词. 有经验的] - The experienced teacher knew how to effectively manage the classroom. (经验丰富的教师知道如何有效地管理课堂)
3. hardened [形容词. 坚强的] - The hardened criminal showed no remorse for his actions. (这个成年犯对自己的行为毫无悔意)
4. soft [形容词. 温和的] - The soft-spoken girl was loved by everyone in the neighborhood. (温和的女孩受到附近每个人的爱戴)
5. tender [形容词. 温柔的] - The tender moment between the mother and her newborn baby brought tears to everyone's eyes. (母亲和新生儿之间的温馨瞬间让每个人都流泪)
最新修订时间:2024-04-21 20:26