disbarment是什么意思(名词. 取消执业资格,解职.),disbarment中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
名词. 取消执业资格,解职
第三人称单数:disbars 现在式:disbarring 过去式:disbarred
1. The attorney faced disbarment for his unethical conduct.(这位律师因为不道德行为面临取消执业资格)
2. The disbarment of the lawyer was a consequence of his involvement in a fraudulent scheme.(这位律师的取消执业资格是他参与诈骗计划的后果)
3. The panel decided on the disbarment of the attorney after a thorough investigation.(经过彻底调查,该小组决定取消该律师的执业资格)
4. Disbarment is a serious penalty imposed on lawyers who violate ethical standards.(取消执业资格是对违反道德标准的律师施加的严厉处罚)
5. The disbarment process involves a hearing, where evidence is presented and a decision is made by the disciplinary board.(取消执业资格的过程涉及听证会,证据被提出,并由纪律委员会做出决定)
同义词:debarment [名词. 禁止]
例句:The debarment of the contractor will be enforced due to their failure to meet the project requirements.(由于承包商未能满足项目要求,将对其施行禁止)
反义词:admission [名词. 允许]
例句:The admission to the bar is a significant accomplishment for aspiring lawyers.(对法律界的允许对于有抱负的律师来说是一个重要的成就)
最新修订时间:2024-04-12 20:35