dispose是什么意思( 动词.倾向于做某事;处理;处置;排列.),dispose中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
dispose读音音标 (dɪˈspoʊz)
词性. 动词
意思. 倾向于做某事;处理;处置;排列
第三人称单数 disposes、现在式 disposing 、过去式 disposed
1. She quickly disposed of her old clothes by donating them to charity. (她迅速通过捐赠将旧衣物处理掉。)
2. It is important to dispose of waste responsibly. (负责任地处理废物非常重要。)
3. The chef skillfully disposed the ingredients to create a beautiful presentation. (厨师巧妙地排列食材,制作出漂亮的菜肴。)
4. He disposed of the furniture that he no longer needed. (他处理掉了不再需要的家具。)
5. The company decided to dispose of its non-profitable division. (公司决定处置没有盈利能力的部门。)
同义词 [动词. 意思]
1. arrange [rəˈreɪndʒ]. 安排
例句:She arranged the books on the shelf by topic. (她按主题安排了书籍在书架上。)
2. handle [ˈhændl]. 处理
例句:He knows how to handle difficult customers. (他知道如何处理难缠的客户。)
3. manage [ˈmænɪdʒ]. 管理
例句:She is able to manage multiple projects at once. (她能够同时管理多个项目。)
反义词 [动词. 意思]
1. hoard [hɔrd]. 囤积
例句:He tends to hoard unnecessary items. (他有囤积不必要物品的倾向。)
2. retain [rɪˈteɪn]. 保留
例句:The company decided to retain its core employees. (公司决定保留核心员工。)
3. keep [ki:p]. 保持
例句:She likes to keep old magazines for reference. (她喜欢保留旧杂志以供参考。)
dispose of
最新修订时间:2024-04-12 20:26