compatibility是什么意思(名词. 兼容性,相容性.),compatibility中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
名词. 兼容性,相容性
第三人称单数:compatibilities 现在式:compatible 过去式:compatibled
1. The new software update ensures compatibility with all operating systems.(这个新软件更新确保与所有操作系统的兼容性。)
2. It is important to test the compatibility of different components before assembling the final product.(在组装最终产品之前,测试不同组件的相容性是很重要的。)
3. Our relationship is based on mutual understanding and compatibility.(我们的关系建立在相互理解和相容性的基础上。)
4. The couple decided to break up because of their lack of compatibility.(这对夫妻因为缺乏相容性而决定分手。)
5. The update is needed to ensure compatibility between the new software and existing hardware.(需要进行更新以确保新软件与现有硬件的兼容性。)
同义词[形容词. 兼容的]
1. harmonious [hɑːrˈmoʊniəs](和谐的)
例句: Their interests and values are harmonious, making them compatible partners.(他们的兴趣和价值观是和谐的,使他们成为相容的伴侣。)
2. congruent [ˈkɑːŋɡruːənt](一致的)
例句: The proposal is congruent with our company's goals, so it is considered compatible.(该提案与我们公司的目标一致,因此被认为是相容的。)
反义词[形容词. 不相容的]
1. incompatible [ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl](不相容的)
例句: Their differences in values and interests made them incompatible as a couple.(他们在价值观和兴趣上的差异使他们作为一对不相容。)
2. conflicting [kənˈflɪktɪŋ](冲突的)
例句: Their conflicting schedules and priorities made it difficult to find compatibility in their relationship.(他们冲突的时间表和优先事项使得在他们的关系中找到相容性变得困难。)
compatibility mode
compatibility telemetry占用cpu
最新修订时间:2024-04-12 20:04