crescendo是什么意思(名词. 高潮,逐渐增强.),crescendo中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
名词. 高潮,逐渐增强
第三人称单数 crescendos、现在式 crescendos、过去式 crescendoed
1. The music gradually built up to a crescendo, filling the concert hall with energy. (音乐逐渐增强,充满了音乐厅的活力。)
2. Her excitement reached a crescendo as she got closer to the finish line. (当她接近终点线时,她的激动达到了高潮。)
3. The tension in the room rose to a crescendo as the announcement of the winners drew near. (随着获奖者的宣布临近,房间里的紧张气氛越来越高涨。)
4. The movie's suspenseful scene built up to a crescendo, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats. (电影的悬疑场景逐渐达到高潮,让观众坐立不安。)
5. The orchestra's performance ended with a dramatic crescendo, captivating the audience with its intensity. (管弦乐团的演出以戏剧性的高潮结束,以其强烈的表现力吸引了观众。)
同义词 [名词.意思]
1. surge [noun. a sudden powerful forward or upward movement]
例句: The applause in the stadium surged to a crescendo as the winning goal was scored. (得分时,体育场里的掌声如潮涌。)
2. peak [noun. the highest point or part]
例句: The tension in the room reached its peak, causing everyone to hold their breath. (房间里的紧张感达到了顶峰,让每个人屏住了呼吸。)
反义词 [名词.意思]
1. decrescendo [noun. a gradual decrease in volume or intensity]
例句: The song ended with a decrescendo, fading out softly. (歌曲以渐弱的方式结束,渐渐淡出。)
2. diminuendo [noun. a gradual decrease in loudness or intensity]
例句: The music started with a loud crescendo and then gradually faded into a beautiful diminuendo. (音乐以响亮的高潮开始,然后渐渐变成了美丽的渐弱。)
最新修订时间:2024-04-12 19:33