basal是什么意思(名词. 基础的,根本的;基底的;最基本的.),basal中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
名词. 基础的,根本的;基底的;最基本的
第三人称单数 basalizes、现在式 basalizing、过去式 basalized
1. The basal level of glucose in the blood is crucial for maintaining energy levels.(血糖的基础水平对于维持能量水平至关重要。)
2. The basal ganglia are vital for coordinating movement and maintaining balance.(基底神经节对于协调运动和保持平衡至关重要。)
3. The basal leaves of this plant provide essential nutrients for its survival.(这种植物的基生叶为其生存提供了必要的营养。)
4. She has a basal body temperature chart to track her ovulation cycle.(她有一个基础体温图表来跟踪她的排卵周期。)
5. The basal area of the tree determines its overall strength and stability.(树木的基面积决定了其整体的强度和稳定性。)
同义词: fundamental, basic, primary
反义词: advanced, complex, intricate
1. fundamental [adjective. serving as an essential part or basis; basic] - It is crucial to establish a fundamental understanding of mathematics before moving on to more advanced topics.(在学习更高级的主题之前,建立对数学的基本理解是至关重要的。)
2. basic [adjective. forming an essential foundation; fundamental] - The basic principles of physics can be applied to a wide range of scientific disciplines.(物理学的基本原理可以应用于广泛的科学领域。)
3. primary [adjective. most important; fundamental] - The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effects of stress on mental health.(这项研究的主要目标是探究压力对心理健康的影响。)
basal ganglia
basal metabolism
最新修订时间:2023-08-18 18:32