accord是什么意思( 名词.一致、协议、符合、调和.),accord中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
词性. 名词
意思. 一致、协议、符合、调和
第三人称单数 accords、现在式 according、过去式 accorded
1. They reached an accord on the terms of the contract.(他们就合同条款达成了一致。)
2. Her actions do not accord with her words.(她的行动与她的言辞不符。)
3. In accordance with the law, I accord you the right to remain silent.(按照法律规定,我给予你保持沉默的权利。)
4. The colors of the painting are in perfect accord.(这幅画的颜色完美协调。)
5. The parties involved finally reached an accord after hours of negotiation.(经过几个小时的谈判,参与方最终达成了协议。)
同义词 [词性. 意思]
1. agreement [名词. 同意、协议] The negotiation resulted in an agreement between the two parties.(谈判结果是双方达成了一项协议。)
2. harmony [名词. 和谐、融洽] The music was played in perfect harmony.(音乐和谐地演奏着。)
3. concord [名词. 一致] There was a concord among the team members regarding the decision.(团队成员在这个决定上达成了一致。)
反义词 [词性. 意思]
1. disagreement [名词. 不一致、争论] The two sides are in disagreement over the terms of the contract.(双方在合同条款上存在争议。)
2. conflict [名词. 冲突、不和] There is a conflict of interest between the two parties.(双方存在利益冲突。)
a. The two countries reached an agreement on trade policies.(这两个国家就贸易政策达成了协议。)
b. The siblings lived in harmony for many years.(这些兄弟姐妹多年来一直和睦相处。)
c. The concord among the members of the committee was crucial for making a decision.(委员会成员之间的一致对做出决策至关重要。)
d. They had a disagreement about the best approach to solve the problem.(他们对于解决问题的最佳途径存在分歧。)
e. The conflict between the two parties escalated into a full-blown dispute.(双方之间的冲突升级为全面争端。)
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